AI Law

Table of contents
  1. Our Expertise
  2. Our Experts

How we work

AI law in conflict with other areas of law

AI law is in a complex area of conflict with various other areas of law, as artificial intelligence (AI) brings with it innovative technologies that cause numerous legal challenges and overlaps. In data protection law, the efficiency of AI often clashes with the strict requirements of the GDPR, for example in terms of data minimization and transparency. In copyright law, questions arise regarding the protection of AI-generated content and the rights of developers. Under liability law, it is unclear who is responsible in the event of damage caused by faulty AI systems - developers, operators or users? Employment law is also affected by automation and the use of AI, which can lead to job losses and changes in working conditions. In antitrust law, AI algorithms could distort competition or contribute to market dominance. In addition, the use of AI raises ethical and fundamental rights issues, particularly with regard to human dignity, privacy and discrimination. Finally, new challenges arise in contract law, for example in the evaluation of contracts concluded by autonomous AI systems.

Advice and compliance

As a law firm specializing in AI law, we offer companies comprehensive advice on the current and future legal requirements in connection with artificial intelligence. This regulatory advice covers key topics such as data protection, the transparency of algorithms and compliance with ethical guidelines. In addition, TRÖBER@ legal assists in the development and implementation of tailored compliance programs to ensure that AI applications meet all legal and regulatory requirements.

In particular, the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) must be observed. This begins with advice on the lawful collection, processing and storage of personal data. An important aspect is the minimization of data, i.e. the use of only the information that is absolutely necessary for the purpose of the AI application. In addition, companies are supported in fulfilling transparent information obligations towards data subjects, for example through clear data protection declarations that explain how and for what purpose data is used. Specifically, this involves the implementation of data security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, loss or misuse. This can be achieved through encryption, anonymization and other technical and organizational measures. Our experts also help with the creation and implementation of data protection impact assessments (DPIA), which are often required for AI applications in order to identify and minimize potential risks to the rights and freedoms of data subjects.

Our Expertise

Use of AI in the company

TRÖBER@ legal provides companies with comprehensive support in drafting and reviewing contracts in connection with artificial intelligence. This includes the drafting and review of license agreements that regulate the legally compliant use of AI technologies, including agreements on the use of AI-generated content. It is particularly important to clearly define the rights and obligations of the contracting parties in order to avoid misunderstandings and legal conflicts.

In addition, our experts draft contracts between companies and developers that define specific rights and obligations in the context of AI projects. These contracts regulate not only the ownership and usage rights to the developed technologies, but also aspects such as confidentiality, data protection and responsibilities in the event of possible malfunctions of the AI systems.

Another key area of the firm's work is legal protection when using AI. We advise companies comprehensively on liability risks that may arise from the use of AI systems, in particular if incorrect decisions are made or discriminatory algorithms are used. We also support companies in drafting disclaimers and ensure that companies are protected against product liability claims that could arise in connection with the use of AI technologies. Through this targeted legal support, the law firm helps to minimize risks and to clearly and securely define the legal framework for the use of artificial intelligence.

Legal disputes in the context of the use of AI

If legal disputes arise in connection with the use of AI, our law firm is also available to advise you in this context. Our law firm specializing in AI law offers comprehensive support in the analysis and strategy development in legal disputes. First, a detailed case analysis is carried out in which the legal aspects of AI technology are examined and potential risks and opportunities for the client are identified. On this basis, our experts develop a tailor-made legal strategy that takes into account the specific circumstances of the case and considers both in-court disputes and out-of-court solutions.

As part of the legal representation, the law firm handles the litigation for the client. This includes the preparation of statements of claim or defense, the presentation of evidence and representation in all instances, if necessary. As AI-related disputes are often technical in nature, the firm works closely with experts to understand how the AI systems work and to support the legal arguments.

Where possible, the law firm strives to settle disputes out of court. Mediation and arbitration are used in an attempt to resolve the dispute in a way that is acceptable to both parties in order to avoid lengthy and costly court proceedings. The law firm negotiates settlement agreements that resolve the conflict and prevent future disputes. The law firm always works to find a fair and viable solution that best protects the interests of the client.

Certificate seminar on AI law

TRÖBER@ legal offers a certificate seminar to provide general information on the legal issues raised by AI and to deal comprehensively with the related challenges. The seminar begins with an introduction to the basic concepts of AI and their legal relevance, followed by a detailed analysis of the legal framework that applies to AI applications. An essential part of the seminar is the discussion of liability and responsibility issues in the context of AI in order to clarify responsibilities in the event of potential damage or malfunctions.

Special attention is paid to data protection and data security in AI-controlled systems. Here we address the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including the lawful collection, processing and storage of personal data. In particular, we look at data minimization, transparent information obligations and the implementation of security measures such as encryption and anonymization.

The seminar also addresses the transparency and explainability of AI decisions to ensure that AI-supported decisions are comprehensible and understandable. Other important topics are discrimination and bias in AI algorithms and their legal implications. Here, we investigate how legal frameworks can prevent discrimination in AI applications.

Ethics and moral aspects of AI are also covered in order to maintain a balance between technological innovation and societal values. International legal issues related to AI are also considered in order to understand and address the global legal challenges.Finally, we take a look at the future prospects and challenges in the age of AI to prepare you for upcoming developments.

The seminar is offered on request both in our office and in-house. It is primarily aimed at company management, data protection officers and employees who are specifically entrusted with AI applications.Our aim is to prepare you comprehensively for the legal requirements and challenges in the field of artificial intelligence.

Our Experts

Jörn Tröber, Lawyer
Certified lawyer for information technology law … Founder of the law firm, born 1964 in Göttingen, 1984 Abitur at the Gymnasium Petrinum in Dorsten, studied law and business administration from 1986 to 1990 in Münster, 1991 1st state exam at the Higher Regional Court of Hamm, legal…
Fabian Müller, M. Iur.
Fabian Müller has been a legal employee at TRÖBER@ legal since 2022. He specializes in data protection law and has particular technical experience in the IT sector.